Biblical Studies
All books in Biblical Studies
The Prostitute and the Prophet: Hosea's Marriage in Literary-Theoretical Perspective
Yvonne Sherwood -
The Psalms and Their Readers: Interpretive Strategies for Psalm 18
Donald K. Berry -
Priesthood and Cult in Ancient Israel
Saul M. Olyan -
Into the Hands of the Living God
Lyle Eslinger -
Minhah Le-Nahum: Biblical and Other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in Honour of His 70th Birthday
Rhetoric and Biblical Interpretation
Dale Patrick -
The Tel Dan Inscription: A Reappraisal and a New Introduction
The Roles of Israel's Prophets
David Petersen -
Edom, Israel's Brother and Antagonist: The Role of Edom in Biblical Prophecy and Story
Bert Dicou -
The Letters of Paul, Fifth Edition: Conversations in Context
Where Sin Abounds
Robert R. Gonzales Jr. -
Imperfect Believers: Ambiguous Characters in the Gospel of John
Susan Hylen -
The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1
Mark Smith -
The Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew
Four Views on Moving Beyond the Bible to Theology
Stanley N. Gundry -
Engaging Economics: New Testament Scenarios and Early Christian Reception
Recovering the Unity of the Bible: One Continuous Story, Plan, and Purpose – eBook
The Last Generation: Prophecy, Current World Events, and the End Times
Nancy E. Williams -
Creation to Revelation
Danny Broyles -
The Hebrew Gospel & the Development of the Synoptic Tradition
Eerdmans Critical Commentary: Exodus
Thomas Dozeman -
The Gospel of John in Cultural and Rhetorical Perspective
Jerome H. Neyrey -
The Meaning of the Pentateuch: Revelation, Composition, and Interpretation
John H. Sailhamer -
Covenant & Conversation: Genesis: The Book of Beginnings
The New Testament Books Made Simple
James E. Smith -
The First Christmas – eBook
Marcus J. Borg -
The Day Christ Died – eBook
Jim Bishop -
A Book of Psalms: Selections Adapted from the Hebrew – eBook
Stephen Mitchell -
Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, Repackaged
John Dominic Crossan -
Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes – eBook
John Shelby Spong