Biblical Studies
All books in Biblical Studies
Worship and the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honor of John T. Willis
M. Patrick Graham -
The Conceptual Coherence of the Book of Micah
Prophecy and Ethics: Isaiah and the Ethical Traditions of Israel
Eryl W. Davies -
Retribution and Eschatology in Chronicles
Brian E. Kelly -
Targumic and Cognate Studies: Essays in Honour of Martin McNamara
Kevin J. Cathcart -
Understanding Poets and Prophets: Essays in Honour of George Wishart Anderson
Art and Meaning: Rhetoric in Biblical Literature
Alan J. Hauser -
In Conversation with Jonah: Conversation Analysis, Literary Criticism and the Book of Jonah
Raymond F. Person Jr. -
Contexts for Amos: Prophetic Poetics in Latin-American Perspective
Mark Daniel Carroll R. -
Text-Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew
David Allan Dawson -
Of Prophets' Visions and the Wisdom of Sages: Essays in Honour of R. Norman Whybray on His Seventieth Birthday
Heather A. McKay -
Shiloh: A Biblical City in Tradition and History
Donald G. Schley -
Psalm Structures: A Study of Psalms with Refrains
Paul R. Raabe -
Double Redaction of the Deuteronomistic History
Richard Nelson-Jones -
Structural Analysis of Biblical and Canaanite Poetry
Willem Van Der Meer -
Structure and the Book of Zechariah
Mike Butterworth -
The Sociology of Pottery in Ancient Palestine: The Ceramic Industry and the Diffusion of Ceramic Style in the Bronze and Iron Ages
Bryant G. Wood -
Lectures on the Religion of the Semites (Second and Third Series)
William Robertson Smith -
The Book of Esther in Modern Research
Read the Bible for a Change: Understanding and Responding to God's Word
Ray Lubeck -
Pursuing the Text: Studies in Honor of Ben Zion Wacholder on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
John C. Reeves -
From Chaos to Restoration: An Integrative Reading of Isaiah 24-27
Dan G. Johnson -
Myth and History in the Bible
Giovanni Garbini -
Concentricity and Continuity: The Literary Structure of Isaiah
Robert H. O'Connell -
The Signs of Jonah: Reading and Rereading in Ancient Yehud
Ehud Ben Zvi -
God Is King: Understanding an Israelite Metaphor
New Visions of Isaiah
Roy F. Melugin -
I Have Built You an Exalted House: Temple Building in the Bible in Light of Mesopotamian and North-West Semitic Writings
Victor Hurowitz -
The Prostitute and the Prophet: Hosea's Marriage in Literary-Theoretical Perspective
Yvonne Sherwood -
The Psalms and Their Readers: Interpretive Strategies for Psalm 18
Donald K. Berry