Biblical Studies
Confessing Christ: An Invitation to Baptist Dogmatics
S.A. McKinion, C.E. Thornton & K.S. Whitfield, eds. -
Apocryphal Prophets and Athenian Poets: Noncanonical Influences on the New Testament
Paul the Storyteller: A Narratological Approach
The State of Pauline Studies: A Survey of Recent Research
Edited by Nijay K. Gupta, Erin M. Heim & Scot McKnight
All books in Biblical Studies
Constructing Jesus: Memory, Imagination, and History – eBook
Dale C. Allison Jr. -
Stoicism in Early Christianity
Tuomas Rasimus -
The Moral Teaching of Paul – eBook
A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis
Come Out, My People!: God's Call Out of Empire in the Bible and Beyond
Wes Howard-Brook -
His Story: The Old Testament Told as a Chronological Story
Lorena M. Keck -
Reading Revelation Responsibly
Jesus' Blood and Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Imputation – eBook
The Content and the Setting of the Gospel Tradition
Mark Harding -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – Luke – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – 1 Timothy – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – Galatians – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – Ephesians – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – Romans – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Christ of History: An Argument Grounded in the Facts of His Life on Earth. – eBook
John Young -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – 1 Thessalonians – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – 1 Corinthians – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – Acts – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – Philemon – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – Matthew – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – 2 Thessalonians – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Word Pictures in the New Testament – 2 Corinthians – eBook
A.T. Robertson -
Expositions of Holy Scripture: St John Ch. I to XIV – eBook
Alexander MacLaren -
Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans and Corinthians – eBook
Alexander MacLaren -
Expositions of Holy Scripture: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers – eBook
Alexander MacLaren -
Expositions of Holy Scripture: Ezekiel, Daniel and the Minor Prophets; and Matthew Chaps. I to VIII – eBook
Alexander MacLaren -
Expositions of the Holy Scriptures: Second Kings from Chap. VIII, and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes – eBook
Alexander MacLaren -
Divine Inspiration of the Bible – eBook
S.O.S. (Seven Open Seals) from God! S.O.S. (Seven Open Seals) from God!
Bob Coulter -
Expositions of Holy Scripture
Alexander MacLaren