Exegetical Journeys in Biblical Hebrew: 90 Days of Guided Reading
An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter
Steven Sherman, Rich Holland -
God's Final Call: How the Book of Revelation Pulls Back the Veil on Current Events and Our Ultimate Future
Reformed Social Ethics: Perspectives on Society, Culture, State, Church, and the Kingdom of God
Herman Bavinck & John Bolt
All books in Academic
Rethinking Eschatology: A Postmillennial Perspective – eBook
Jason L. Quintern -
Biblical Missions: Principles, Priorities, and Practices – eBook
Edited by Mark Tatlock, Chris Burnett -
God, Pandemics, and the Holocaust – eBook
Clifford Chalmers Cain & Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki -
Lower: Igniting Spiritual Awakening Through Radical
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The Undercover Messiah and His Coming Kingdom: Messiah as Prophet, Priest, and King
Jim R. Sibley & Mark M. Yarbrough -
How to Read the Bible in Its Ancient Context: A Guide for Exploring the Worlds of the Old and New Testaments
Jonathan S. Greer -
Reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture (Reading Christian Scripture): A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey – eBook
Mark S. Gignilliat & Heath A. Thomas -
2 Corinthians, Volume 8 – eBook
Gupta Garland -
Septuaginta: An Abridged Reader's Edition
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Biblical Preaching, 4th ed.: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages
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The Ethics of War: A Short Companion
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Happy Lies: How a Movement You (Probably) Never Heard Of Shaped Our Self-Obsessed World – eBook
Melissa Dougherty -
The Essential Guide to Ratzinger: The Man and His Message
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Jesus the High Road Leader
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God's Radical Love in Missio Dei
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The Christ of the Indian Road, 100th Anniversary
Dilexit Nos: On the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ
Pope Francis -
A Personal God and a Good World: The Coherence of the Christian Moral Vision
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The Books of the Minor Prophets: The Twelve (The Passion Translation), Paperback
Confessing Christ: An Invitation to Baptist Dogmatics
S.A. McKinion, C.E. Thornton & K.S. Whitfield, eds. -
Apocryphal Prophets and Athenian Poets: Noncanonical Influences on the New Testament
Diccionario de profecia y escatologia (Dictionary of Prophecy and Eschatology)
Rigoberto Galvez Alvarado -
Paul the Storyteller: A Narratological Approach
A Visual Guide to Biblical Apologetics: A One-of-a-Kind Resource for the Everyday Apologist
Joseph M. Holden & Sarah R. Enterline -
To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse
Recovering from Purity Culture: Dismantle the Myths, Reject Shame-Based Sexuality, and Move Forward in Your Faith
Dr. Camden Morgante -
The Triumph of the Rising: The Believer's Victory Over Death
Walking in Unity
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