World History-Teacher: Observations and Assessments from Creation to Today – eBook

- ISBN: 9781614581413, 9781614581413
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Master Books
- Language:
- Author: James P. Stobaugh
This convenient teacher’s guide is all a parent or teacher needs to easily grade the 12th grade student assignments for World History: Observations & Assessments from Creation to Today. Assignments with answers, learning objectives, grading criteria, and short essay questions are included.
This course is designed for a student to practice independent learning. The guide will assist teachers by offering:
34 chapters for 34 weeks of study Chapters include 5 lessons taking approximately 30 minutes each The final lesson of the week is an exam covering the week’s instruction Student questions are organized in the back for easy use in testing and review Teachers, parents, or students can grade assignments daily or weekly
As the teacher, you will enjoy partnering with your student as he or she processes world history while developing or strengthening a Christian world view.
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