Wired: A 4-Week Devotional Experience for Students

- ISBN: 1941259502, 9781941259504
- Page count: 123
- Published: 2015
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Orange / Rethink Group
- Language:
- Author: Rodney Anderson
Wired: A 4-Week Devotional Experience for Students by Rodney Anderson and Sarah Anderson, this 4-week interactive journal focuses on this generations teens that although tech-savvy, many remain disconnected and disengaged. But, like the generations before, many have the same questions about faith, their identity and about their purpose.
Wiredwalks students through for key ideas:
Connecting with God: How to interact with a God we can't see or touch.Loving their life: How to better understand who God made them to be.Embracing community: How to treat the people around them and to surround themselves with the right people.Serving others: How to use the gifts they have to make an impact on the world around them.
Paperback, 123 pages.
Review Wired: A 4-Week Devotional Experience for Students.