Water, Wind, and Fire: Understanding the New Birth and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit – eBook

- ISBN: 9781606839409, 9781606839409
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Harrison House
- Language:
- Author:
This powerful little blook by Mac Hammond offers insight into familiar but often misunderstood terms such as "born again" and "baptism in the Holy Spirit."
In Water, Wind, & Fire you’ll find clear, biblical explanations of what it means to be "saved," the miraculous nature of the "new birth," and keys to living the Christian life abundantly and successfully.
You’ll also discover answers to important questions like:
What are the three steps to being born again?How is the Holy Spirit received?What is "speaking in tongues," and what is its purpose?
If you or someone you love is seeking answers to life’s most important questions, this book will help clear up any questions you may have.
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