True Depth: Moving Beyond Cultural Christianity – eBook

- ISBN: 9780898279818, 9780898279818
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2015
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Wesleyan Publishing House
- Language:
- Author:
When out of your spiritual depths, don't go for the shallows.
Many of us sincerely wade around in what church culture popularly defines as discipleship. But we are discontent with only splashing about in the miles-wide, ankle-deep shores of faith.
If we look to the horizon of history, of the Gospels and the early church, we can see wonderful mystery out there. We sense there must be more to spiritual formation than mere performance, study, and the gaining of knowledge. As true disciples, we yearn for a far more meaningful truth.
Author Lenny Luchetti reaches out through these pages, beckoning us to join him in following Christ into deep realms of transformation of revelation, restoration, transformation, sanctification, and mission. It can seem scary, diving in and being submersed in what Christ means discipleship to be. But it's exactly in this place out of our own depths that we can find true depth in Christ.
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