Touching the Hem: A Biblical Response to Physical Suffering – eBook

- ISBN: 9781620203033, 9781620203033
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Ambassador International
- Language:
- Author: Elizabeth A. Johnson
How should you respond to suffering? What does God say about healing? What Does God Say About suffering? As humans, we are bound to suffer physical affliction on this earth. However, as Christians, what should our response be to that affliction? Should we simply accept it and stoically go on with our lives? Seek help through prayer, but reject medicine? Attend dramatic healing services? Does God still heal sickness today? If so, how do we access His healing? Touching the Hem considers these questions and more. It starts with a thorough look upward at Godwho He claims to be, what He has done for us in the past, and what He promises to do in the future. It then looks at our circumstances, observing physical affliction through the lens of Gods Word. Only then does it turn the gaze inward, considering our response to physical suffering, and how to live according to biblical principles.
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