Top 7 Personality Challenges: Successful Communication Secrets for Differing Personality Types – eBook

- ISBN: 9781613392515, 9781613392515
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012-05-15
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Made for Success
- Language:
- Author: Dawn Jones
Would you like to use your personality to successfully deal with intimidating people? Would you like to use your personality to motivate people to action? Perhaps you'd like to know if your personality is talking people into or out of your ideas? Or even discover how the best leaders face personality challenges and succeed? Well now you can! Internationally acclaimed speaker and author Dawn Jones presents her incredible Top Seven Personality Challenges along with how to communicate with success with each personality type:
1. How to deal with someone who intimidates you.
2. Pinpoint how to look and feel more confident by using your personality.
3. How to successfully sell people your ideas.
4. Discover how to motivate even the most stubborn people!
5. Recognize how to eliminate manipulation.
6. Learn how top leaders identify when and how to adjust their personality styles without seeming weak or intimidated.
7. And, finally, Dawn's ultimate secret which reveals the best personality!
You'll discover the secrets of putting your personality to work for you so you can have powerful and effective communication regardless of age, position, generation, culture or gender; see what Wikipedia has to say about people skewing their personality test scores, and discover what Socrates revealed about you over 2500 years ago! You'll also discover how you can adjust your style so that you can, as Dale Carnegie says, Win Friends and Influence People. In this eBook, you'll begin to recognize and overcome the Top Seven Personality Challenges so that you can communicate with success!
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