tis grace: A Story of Gods Redemption – eBook

- ISBN: 9781449759339, 9781449759339
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012-07-27
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author: Allan Thompson
Allan Thompson was a self-destructive alcoholic who had lost everything but his devoted family when he finally hit rock bottom and heard the still, small voice of God beckoning him to a life of hope, joy, and the ministry of Gods Word.
Thompson grew up in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma and graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a journalism degree. His desire to become an advertising copywriter led him to New York, where he found a position in broadcast sales. He followed this career to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Springfield, Missouri. Along the way, alcohol, cunning, baffling, and powerful, took hold of his life and was progressively destroying him, his career, and his family. God miraculously intervened, saved him, and instantly relieved him of his reliance on alcohol. Through the marvelous work of the Holy Spirit, God then set out to break Thompson of his dependency on his own self and to bring him to reliance on Jesus alone.
Thompson candidly tells of his struggles with insecurity (which led to his alcoholism), and his continuing struggles with poor self-esteem and other issues even after his conversion. Christians should be able to identify with Thompsons trials and joys, as he indeed has worked out his salvation with fear and trembling. He has experienced what Paul wrote in Philippians 2:1213: God has worked in him to will and to act according to his good purpose. Thompson goes from a man who used the name of Jesus in vain to a man who passionately loves Jesus. Thompson believes God yearns to redeem every person so the love of Jesus may shine from each.
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