Thorns, Barns, and Oil Jars: God's Threefold Plan for Your Financial Increase

- ISBN: 1680317830, 9781680317831
- Page count: 144
- Published: 2021-09-21
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Harrison House
- Language:
- Author:
How you relate to money is a big deal—whether you have much or you don’t!
Too many Christians have the wrong idea about money! Some base their thinking on the world’s system, while others base their opinions on unbalanced church doctrines. Some have gone so far as to advocate poverty as being godly.
Yet, author Ashley Terradez points out that Jesus purchased financial prosperity for us and taught on finances more than any other subject. Why? Because religious attitudes against prosperity can limit God’s supply to us.
In Thorns, Barns and Oil Jars, Ashley shares a scriptural foundation of abundance and the practical steps to walk in it as he outlines the biblical tripod of financial prosperity. True financial freedom is found in the balance of all three:
Thorns – Symbolizing work and how God blesses the work of your handsBarns – Symbolizing the need to save so God can bless your storehouseOil jars – Symbolizing God’s favor and anointing so God can supernaturally bless your life
God wants His super on your natural so you can live financially free! After all, getting money shouldn’t be anyone’s goal, but every godly goal takes money.
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