Things Pondered: From the Heart of a Lesser Woman – eBook

- ISBN: 9780805454574, 9780805454574
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2004-04-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: B&H Books
- Language:
- Author: Beth Moore
Just as Mary treasured her memories as the mother of Jesus and pondered them in her heart, this book celebrates treasured moments in the life of every woman, wife, and mother. Told from a fresh, personal perspective, these stories and poems form a warm, inspiring collection of remembrances of children,
Christmas, marriage, trials, friendship, the seasons, grace, and above all, God’s love for us. Things Pondered proves Beth Moore not only to be an effective speaker and author of popular Bible studies, but also show her to be a gifted, sensitive writer and poet.
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