The Word of Their Testimony – eBook

- ISBN: 9780986152894, 9780986152894
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2015
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Pure Life Ministries
- Language:
- Author: Steve Gallagher
Satan has a malevolent plan for every human soul on earth. Scripture names him Apollyon, the one who ruins people's lives by corrupting their souls. His works often manifest themselves as fetishes, phobias, hang-ups or addictions; but Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
We are coming into a time when all we will have to stand on is the testimony we have allowed God to forge within us. Do we have a track record of partial obedience picking and choosing when we will obey the Lord? Then we will most certainly deny Him when the pressure to do so is overwhelming.
In this book, Steve Gallagher presents eight stories of people who have overcome the devil, been delivered from his strongholds and now have a testimony of God's redeeming power. These stories will encourage you in your own struggles with the enemy:
A musician who escaped the ghetto but couldn't escape his demons
An ex-gay activist who returned to the lifestyle he railed against
A big city cop who now fights his battles on his knees
A Fortune 500 executive who had it all and lost it all
A cat burglar who faced life in prison but received God's reprieve
A heroin-dealing gangster whose downfall led to his greatest score
An Amish homosexual whose sin was exposed and destroyed
A couple who faced martyrdom from of a Colombian drug cartel
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