The Unity of the Bible

- ISBN: 0310234042, 9780310234043
- Page count: 512
- Published: 2000-01-11
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Zondervan
- Language:
- Author: Daniel P. Fuller
"Professor Daniel P. Fuller raises questions concerning the unity of the Bible which few are willing to ask. His interesting findings will provoke serious study of the Bible for all those who seek to edify the church and train men and women for positions of leadership." -Oscar Cullmann "No book besides the Bible has had a greater influence on my life than Daniel Fuller's Unity of the Bible. When I first read it as a classroom syllabus over twenty years ago, everything began to change. . . . It changed my life because it is so honest. No hard questions are dodged. No troubling texts are swept under the rug. There is a passion for seeing all of Scripture with no reference to how one part fits with another. Too much academic labor passes for mature scholarship while dealing only piecemeal with the reality of God's work in redemptive history. Daniel Fuller has given his life to seeing the connections and pursuing the coherence of 'the whole counsel of God.'" -John Piper "A rich mine. . . .the meditation of a lifetime on key biblical passages that represent the biblical message and as such provide the 'Unity of the Bible.' If anyone has ever discovered the truth about the relation of Law to Gospel, Daniel Fuller has." -Ralph D. Winter "Reading Dr. Fuller's manuscript left me amazed that something like this had never been done before to my knowledge. Not only does this volume address a relevance." -Richard Halverson "This book could well become a theological classic. It is written in non-technical language and is thus within the grasp of serious laypersons. It provides deeply edifying devotional reading because it is saturated with Scripture. By reading this book you will not only enlighten your mind but will also treat yourself to a spiritual feast." -Ajith Fernando "The Unity of the Bible is an example of Daniel Fuller's devotion to Christ and God's holy inerrant Word. A 'must' reading! My own life was greatly enriched as I read the manuscript." -Bill Bright
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