The Ultimate Guide for the Avid Indoorsman: Life Is Better in Here – eBook

- ISBN: , 9780736975278
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2019-01-08
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
- Language:
- Author: John Driver
Embrace the indoor lifestyle with this hilarious handbook full of tips and tricks to help you thrive in your comfy, climate-controlled world.
Take a 20-question test to determine your level of Indoorsmanship.Learn to identify and overcome the dangers of both the indoors and outdoors.Establish a healthy indoor routine, including plenty of sleep, “exercise,” and coffee.Dress the part by thinking simple and sleek…and wearing sweatpants often.Explore the science of ergonomics behind setting up the perfect indoor space.
So, stay inside, read this book, and be grateful for four walls and a fast Internet connection.
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