The Spiritual Warfare Bible: Modern English Version (MEV), Leather, imitation
- ISBN: 1621366359, 9781621366355
- Page count: 1760
- Published: 2015-01-06
- Format: Imitation Leather
- Publisher: Passio
- Language:
- Author:
For our fight is not against flesh and blood, butagainst principalities, against powers, against therulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiri -tual forces of evil in the heavenly places . EPHESIANS 6:12
The Spiritual Warfare Bible is designed to help you use God’s Word to accessthe power of the Holy Spirit against demonic strongholds and activity. Withengaging study materials from Christian leaders and best-selling authors,this Bible is perfect for both individual study and small groups.
SPECIAL FEATURES:More than 250 spiritual warfare declarations and prayersMore than 200 tips for effective spiritual warfareLessons From God’s Warriors—Character profiles from the Old and New TestamentArticles and interactive study features—Deeper teaching and applications on spiritual warfare
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