The Mysteries of God – eBook

- ISBN: 9781601781994, 9781601781994
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
- Language:
- Author: Maurice Roberts
Many vital truths are given to us in the Bible that lead us to a vastly greater understanding of Him than the most intelligent heathen without a Bible could ever know. We refer to these truths as mysteries, not because man has invented this term, but because it is the word that God Himself has chosen to inform us of His wonderful way of salvation. In The Mysteries of God, author Maurice Roberts reminds us that it is important that we be thoroughly informed about God's mysteries because they are His eternal purposes by which He has given Christ to be our Savior; understanding and believing them give us eternal life with God in the glory of heaven. In an edifying and easy-to-understand style, the author investigates twelve of the great mysteries of the Bible, including the mystery of God, the mystery of the gospel, the mystery of Christ's glorious indwelling, and the mystery of the last things.
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