The Mormon Deception – eBook

- ISBN: 9781937136635, 9781937136635
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Ankerberg Theological
- Language:
- Author: John Weldon
Is Mormonism a Christian religion as it claims? Is it the only true Church of Jesus Christ on the earth, replacing all other Christian churches — as it also claims? The Mormon Deception critically examines the LDS declaration to be the restored Church of Jesus Christ by citing official Mormon sources and comparing them with biblical teaching. It documents why Mormonism does not believe in the biblical Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for sin, despite claims to do so. It also demonstrates how Mormon teaching on salvation by good works and personal merit conflict with what the Bible teaches about salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone proving that Mormonism teaches a false gospel. It further documents that Joseph Smith was not a true prophet of God as he claimed, and as the Mormon religion has maintained for some 180 years. Thus, by quoting Joseph Smith's own prophecies, the architect of Mormonism is proven without doubt to be a false prophet — something that the Mormon church agrees would undermine the very foundation of Mormonism.
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