The Marys of the Bible: The Original #MeToo Movement
- ISBN: 1532659369, 9781532659362
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2018-10-26
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Wipf & Stock
- Language:
- Author: Boaz Johnson
The #MeToo movement is a global phenomenon. Several Christian organizations have been engaging with issues of abuse against women in places like Africa and Asia. Much of this happens among internally displaced or external refugees. These kinds of atrocities against girls and women rightly raise much anger. Are there solutions?
The Marys of the Bible provides a biblical response to issues raised by the #MeToo movement. Boaz Johnson’s thesis is that women experienced these abuses in ancient societies in very heinous ways. This is seen clearly in ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Roman etc. religions. He argues that the Bible sets out to counter attitudes and religious practices of sexual abuse against women. It is the Bible that is the original #MeToo movement.
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