The Judas Syndrome: Why Good People Do Awful Things – eBook

- ISBN: 9781426771200, 9781426771200
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-02-01
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Abingdon Press
- Language:
- Author: George K. Simon Jr.
Even people we think are our friends will deny and betray us. Are they bad people, or just don’t do enough, or people with good intentions but acting in ignorance? Or are they basically decent people who, when put to the test, fail because of their weak faith?
Filled with many examples, Judas Syndrome gives concrete ways to prevent people, even other Christians, from hurting you and the role that faith can play in changing them and helping you avoid the pain that these relationships often bring. Although sometimes we suffer as a result of our own shortcomings and missteps, placing our trust in Christ's message of love provides the gateway to the life God intends for us. In other words, faith can really save us—a faith, however, that is not easily undertaken on a daily basis or one that can be sustained alone.
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