The Cross of Christ: The Best of H.A. Ironside [Download]

- ISBN: , 9781613394861
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013
- Format: Audio Download
- Publisher: AudioInk Publishing
- Language:
- Author: H.A. Ironside
H.A. Ironside wrote over 80 books or pamphlets and it can be said in a true sense that every one of them was about the Cross of Christ. But the sermon you can hear here is specifically about The Cross of Christ. Here is Ironside's own summary, The Apostle Paul's great business was proclaiming the cross. When he presented the doctrine of the cross, he did not want to hide it with beautiful verbiage; he would not obscure the message with human eloquence, or weaken or dilute the message in any way with charming rhetoric. He did not desire people to listen to him with admiration and go away exclaiming, What a brilliant preacher, what a splendid orator! instead of saying, What guilty sinners we are and how amazing is the love of God that sent His Son to die for us and bear the shame of the cross for our redemption!
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