The Critical Meaning of the Bible: How a Modern Reading of the Bible Challenges Christians the Church

- ISBN: 0809156733, 9780809156733
- Page count: 232
- Published: 2023-08-08
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Paulist Press
- Language:
- Author: Raymond E. Brown & Ronald D. Witherup (Editor)
"The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul, discerning the thoughts of the heart."
"So proclaims the Letter of the Hebrews. Yet for many persons biblical word of God is less a sharp sword than a crutch, supporting rather than piercing them. Interpreted as they have 'always' heard it, Scripture tells exactly what they want to hear. Modern critical investigation of the Bible can change that radically."
Raymond E. Brown, a Catholic Sulpician priest who died 25 years ago on August 8, 1998, wrote the above words for the original edition of this book. He was convinced that modern, historical-critical study of the Bible as the word of God was neither a threat to the Christian faith nor a denial of its spiritual and theological dimensions. On the contrary, his goal was to demonstrate Scripture's profound impact on the life of the Church, leading to ongoing conversation in every era.
"I consider Raymond Brown the greatest biblical scholar America has ever produced. This important new edition of The Critical Meaning of the Bible, expanded beautifully by Ron Witherup, illuminates the Bible's central truths critically and meaningfully."
—Paul N. Anderson
"In this book the eminent scholar Raymond Brown raised critical issues and perspectives that we are still engaging with today. Ronald Witherup's helpful preface and insightful addenda update this important volume."
—Michael J. Gorman
"Mapping recent shifts in the history of Catholic Biblical Scholarship warrants renewed attention to this important updated version of Raymond Brown's work. As Ronald Witherup writes in his fresh and insightful preface, these issues are still current today."
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