The Caregiving Wife's Handbook: Caring for Your Seriously Ill Husband, Caring for Yourself
Diana B. Denholm- ISBN: 0897936051, 9780897936057
- Page count: 198
- Published: 2012-01-03
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Hunter House Publishers
- Language:
- Author: Diana B. Denholm
The Caregiving Wife's Handbook will give you the tools and support you need to get through your husbands' illness and death with compassion, emotionally whole, and without regret. Drawing on her work as a therapist and a primary caregiver of her husband for 10 years, she shares with you the strategies she developed so that you can manage and improve your own life. The advice given can help you to broach important but awkward subjects and take steps to bring more free time into your life. Paperback.
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