The Bible the Only Infallible Book for the Perishing World

- ISBN: 1607911175, 9781607911173
- Page count: 328
- Published: 2009-03-18
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Xulon Press
- Language:
- Author: Jonathan Hammond
The Bible the only infallible book for the perishing world is a special book designed for every believer, especially Bible Students and Church Leaders. The aim of this book is to show the express purpose of God for bringing the Bible to man, how the Bible came into existence and what makes it to be a divine gift from God or an authentic book among every other book in this wide-world. And with a copy of this book, nobody can henceforth deceive you with heresies and myths concerning God's purpose upon your life. Remember, it is our design obligation to give arms to the poor "He said to me: "It is done." I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end to whom who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of water of life. (Rev. 21:6) (NIV). Buy a copy of this book to save a perish soul. You can also donate to Omega3 Save Life Foundation towards it's charity works through our website. Jonathan Hammond is the founder and the president of Omega3 Save Life Foundation. He is an administrator, conference speaker, Bible Teacher, a consultant and a writer of this dispensation. He has added values to many lives through his teachings and writings. His target is to equip the youths of this era to become divine vessels for God's use, by helping them to discover the hidden treasures in them. Jonathan Hammond, therefore, organizes camp meetings, seminars and counseling to impact what the Lord has given him on the frustrated and the restless souls. We know that a covered vessel is of no use to God and nobody will value what is inside you until you are broken.
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