The Art of Mentoring: Embracing the Great Generational Transition
- ISBN: 0764209353, 9780764209352
- Page count: 192
- Published: 2011-08-01
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Bethany House
- Language:
- Author:
"Darlene Zschech is possibly the most amazing mentor I know."–Louie Giglio
Darlene Zschech, one of the world's most respected worship leaders, writes honestly and realistically of how both current leaders and those coming along after them can overcome hurdles and by the grace of God work together for the good of the church. In this critical message, she urgently challenges the church to raise up a new generation of leaders whose hearts are centered on God. Her leadership at Hillsong Church combined with her international work has created a passion for mentoring those who share her heart for God. Zschech speaks with an artist's voice that will reach people who might bypass the more business-oriented books.
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