Supernatural Living – eBook

- ISBN: 9780768492422, 9780768492422
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2011-07-28
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Destiny Image
- Language:
- Author: Larry Kreider
Your people will join you on the day when you come to power. You have been dressed in holiness from birth. You have the freshness of a child (Psalm 110:3 PEB).
Supernatural Living will help you discover how to receive God's supernatural power into your life and personally experience the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit operating through you.
Practical and helpful topics include:
– How to be Filled With the Holy Spirit
– Gifts of Healing
– Miraculous Powers (Miracles)
– Prophecy
– Tune in to God's Frequency
– Release What You Have
– Break Through the "Saran Wrap" of Fear
You will read dozens of real-life, modern-day stories of the Lord using ordinary people in supernatural ways–amazing healings of cancer, burns, and damaged ligaments to tornadoes being prayed away, and those declared dead being raised to life.
From the authors to the reader: It is our hope that the following generations of believers will discover these truths and go further than we have gone. God bless you as you step up to the challenge of revealing Jesus to a lost and dying world.
– Authors Larry Kreider and Dennis De Grasse
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