Su Camino Hacia Los Milagros – eBook

- ISBN: 9781603744867, 9781603744867
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012-03-01
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Whitaker House
- Language:
- Author:
Entre en las increíbles aventuras de lo milagroso con la conocida oradora y maestra de la Biblia Marilyn Hickey a medida que ella comparte milagros que ha experimentado personalmente y de los que ha sido testigo. Cuando lo haga, su fe para lo milagroso aumentará, y usted: Identificará claves para recibir milagrosEliminará montañas que obstaculizan sus milagrosVerá lo imposible volverse posibleExperimentará victorias sobrenaturalesConvertirá problemas en oportunidades milagrosasDios desea obrar milagros sobrenaturales en usted, y por medio de usted.
¡Vea suceder milagros en su vida!
Step into amazing adventures of the miraculous with renowned speaker and Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey. Your Pathway to Miracles takes you from Marilyn’s early experiences of discovering true faith in God to a life of supernatural protection and provision. For more than 40 years and in 120 countries, Marilyn has traced a pathway to miracles that others can follow to experience God’s supernatural intervention in their own lives.
As Marilyn shares miracles that she has personally experienced and witnessed, as well as biblical accounts of miracles, your own faith will increase, and you will:Identify keys to receiving miraclesRemove mountains that block your miraclesSee the impossible become possibleExperience supernatural breakthroughsTurn problems into miraculous opportunitiesGod desires to work supernatural miracles in—and through—you.
See miracles happen in your life!
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