Streams of Joy: Meditations on the Worthy Life – eBook

- ISBN: 9781620296424, 9781620296424
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012-12-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Barbour Publishing
- Language:
- Author:
Find encouragement from great Christians of the past in Streams of Joy—Meditations on the Worthy Life, a collection of 150 devotional readings. Here, from the mind and pen of Christian heroes such as D. L. Moody, Charles Spurgeon, Hannah Whitall Smith, and many more, are brief, easy-to-digest devotionals to inform and inspire you. Each entry is accompanied by a scripture from the beautiful and beloved King James Version, and the entries include the titles of the original sources if you’d like to read further. Streams of Joy is both an uplifting book and an excellent introduction to giants of the faith.
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