Sexo, una relacion disenada por Dios – eBook

- ISBN: 9780825485282, 9780825485282
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-08-26
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Portavoz
- Language:
- Author: Tony Evans
El sexo no es todo lo que el mundo cree que es. Es mas. Este libro habla de sexo, y es para personas que piensan en sexo. Y si somos honestos, eso nos incluye a todos. El sexo domina nuestra cultura popular mas que nunca. El mundo nos dice que nuestra sexualidad nos pertenece, y podemos hacer con ella lo que nos plazca. Tal vez haya escuchado la frase !Solo se vive una vez! . Se supone que, al tener solo una vida, debemos hacer todo lo queramos con ella. Sin embargo, si solo tenemos uno de algo, ?no deberia significar que tratemos a esa cosa con cuidado y la usemos como fue disenada para ser utilizada? Dios nos dice que nuestra sexualidad es valiosa y debe ser tratada como tal. El sexo sin restricciones en nuestra cultura es solo un atajo a la realizacion personal y, por desgracia, una imitacion indigna del sexo verdadero.
Sex isn't everything that the world makes it out to be. It's more. This is a book about sex, for those who think about it. And if we're honest, that's everyone. Sex dominates our popular culture to a degree we've never seen before. Our world tells us that our sexuality is ours to do with as we please. Perhaps you've heard the phrase YOLO You Only Live Once! We're meant to believe that since we only have one life, we should do whatever it is that we want with that life. But if we only have one of something, shouldn't that mean that we treat it with care and use it as it was designed to be used? God tells us that our sexuality is valuable and needs to be treated as such. The unrestricted sex of our culture is being touted as a shortcut to personal fulfillment but, sadly, is only a cheapened imitation of the real thing. Whether you are single or married, discover how to enjoy true intimacy the real fulfillment and satisfaction that God intended.
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