Sex and the City of God: A Memoir of Love and Longing
- ISBN: 0830845852, 9780830845859
- Page count: 224
- Published: 2020-08-25
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: IVP
- Language:
- Author:
When Carolyn Weber moved to Oxford University to study, she didn't expect to find God there. But she did. As she grappled with her newest and most important relationship, she also found that there was another invitation: to think bigger about love. In this book we follow Weber through courtship and into marriage and parenthood. Now a literature professor, Weber reflects on her relationship with a sometimes-absent father and how that has shaped her. Through her personal story, as well as spiritual, theological, and literary reflection, Sex and the City of God explores what life looks like when we choose to love God first.
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