Science and the Bible: 30 Scientific Demonstrations Illustrating Scriptural Truths – eBook Donald DeYoung ISBN: 9781441234834, 9781441234834 Page count: 0 Published: 1997-11-01 Format: DRM Protected ePub Publisher: Baker Books Language: Author: Donald DeYoung The book's thirty dynamic, easy, and safe science experiments illustrate the laws of nature, teach Bible principles, and affirm God's power as Creator to kids and teens. Get the Book Buy digital Barnes& $11.49 ebook Buy print From $9.99
Reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey Mark S. Gignilliat & Heath A. Thomas
Académico 1: Panorama del Antiguo Testamento (Academic 1: Old Testament Overview) OT Overview by Paul House
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