Run To The Battle (3 Books in 1) – eBook

- ISBN: 9781629112244, 9781629112244
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-07-01
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Banner Publishing
- Language:
- Author:
This volume combines three best-selling books—The Invading Force, A Call to Action, and Run to the Battle—in their original form but updated for today’s reader. The prophetic message they bring is just as powerful and relevant today as it was when author Roberts Liardon first spoke it. "When you invade, do not have second thoughts and retreat—just invade. You are in it to the death—not your death, but the devil’s death! Your attitude needs to be, I am going to win, or I am going to die fighting."
The Holy Spirit is bringing revival to the church, and the church is rising up in a fresh anointing, a holy faith, and a Spirit-led zeal to win the lost as never before. If you are a believer who is serious about fulfilling God’s call on your life and taking this world for Jesus Christ, the truths in this new edition will transform you into a powerful soldier in God’s army. These three books in one provide the vital information and wisdom you need to hear God’s voice and Run to the Battle!
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