Rosary Primer: The Prayers, The Mysteries, and The New Testament – eBook

- ISBN: 9781532648724, 9781532648724
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2018-03-27
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Wipf & Stock
- Language:
- Author:
This book, a primer, serves as an introduction to a devotional practice known as the Rosary: Rosary means garden of flowers or necklace of beads. The word bead comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning prayer. Thus, the rosary is a garden of prayer or a necklace of prayer. After explaining how one prays the Rosary, the author presents eighty reflections on what is known as the Mysteries of the Rosary: four sets of five mysteries, each with four options for each of the twenty mysteries. Each entry contains a Scripture verse from The Christian Bible (New Testament) that illustrates the mystery under consideration, a Celebrated notation indicating when the mystery appears on the annual liturgical calendar, a short reflection, and a suggested focus for the pray-er in making a personal application of the reflection as he or she mediates on the specific decade of the rosary. Each entry leads the pray-er down a path to deeper insight into the mystery being prayed.
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