Resurrection Reconsidered

- ISBN: 0800628462, 9780800628468
- Page count: 222
- Published: 1995-03-01
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Augsburg Fortress
- Language:
- Author: Gregory Riley
This study centers on a protracted debate within early Christianity concerning a foundational aspect of the Gospel of Thomas and its related literature: the concept of the body and resurrection. It traces the background of this idea in the Semitic and Greco-Roman world, and its expression in the Thomas literature as a whole: the Gospel of Thomas, Book of Thomas, and Acts of Thomas. But the inspiration for the study, and its main focus, is the controversy between the two closely related Christian communities of Thomas and John, between the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of John, on the issue of resurrection, expressed in John most clearly in the story of Doubting Thomas.
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