Reconstructing Old Testament Theology: After the Collapse of History

- ISBN: 080063716X, 9780800637163
- Page count: 256
- Published: 2005-06-15
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Augsburg Fortress
- Language:
- Author:
In this informative and keen look at contemporary trends in Old Testament theology, Perdue builds on his earlier volume The Collapse of History (1994). He investigates how a variety of perspectives and methodologies have impacted how the Old Testament is read in the twenty-first century including: literary criticism; rhetorical criticism, feminist, womanist, and mujerista theologies, liberation theology; Jewish theology; postmodernism; and postcolonialism.
Perdue provides a sensitive reading of the aims of these approaches as well as providing critique and setting them in their various cultural contexts. In his conclusion, the author provides a look at the future and how these various voices and approaches will continue to impact how we carry out Old Testament theology.
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