Rebekah in Danger: Peril at Plymouth Colony – eBook
- ISBN: 9781628362336, 9781628362336
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-06-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Barbour Publishing
- Language:
- Author:
It's no exaggeration to say that Rebekah and her family are in mortal danger. The first winter at Plymouth Colony is bitterly cold, many of the pilgrims are sick, and food is in short supply.
Ten-year-old Rebekah does her part to help, taking on long hours of chores and tending to the weak. She'll do all that she can to keep herself and her family strong – but what if she fails? She prays that God won't allow her, or her parents, to fall sick and die as so many others have.
Let the Sisters in Time series take you back to 1621–where you may find that Rebekah Cunningham isn't that much different than you! Historical fiction for girls, ages 8-12.
This story is based on (and very similar to) Plymouth Pioneers from the American Adventure Series.
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