Quiet Prayer: The Hidden Purpose and Power of Christian Meditation, Unabridged Audiobook on CD
- ISBN: 1799710645, 9781799710646
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2019-11-05
- Format: Compact disc
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson on Brilliance Audio
- Language:
- Author: Lisa Wright
God cannot fill what's already filled with itself.
Are you struggling to hear God? Is it hard to find time in your busy day for more than a few minutes of prayer? Maybe it's time for a different approach.
Maybe it's time to set aside real blocks of time to be quiet before the Lord.
In Quiet Prayer, Marie Chapian—a life-long student of reflective prayer—examines the benefits of meaningful meditation, both ancient and modern.
Did you know the passionate, early followers of Jesus regularly practiced meditation? It was the building block and very basis of their faith. Many of them chose to live apart from society, in cloistered cells and caves as hermits and recluses of the desert.
These men and women of God were called Abbas and Ammas—mothers and fathers of the faith—and were looked up to as spiritual guides, mentors, healers and deliverers in their time. So, what can we learn from them?
You may not have the time or desire to live in the desert, but you can learn how to cultivate a quiet place in your soul. A place where your faith will be grounded, and your mind can finally rest.
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