Psalms That Hallow the Sabbath – eBook

- ISBN: 9781532662904, 9781532662904
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2018-10-04
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Resource Publications
- Language:
- Author:
This collection of poems honors the Sabbath, a sacred time of rest decreed by God. The Sabbath is a legacy from my parents, and theirs was a bequest from their ancestors. I pass on my inheritance to friends and family of now and those yet to be. The verses reach deep into the depths of ourselves and awaken reverent feelings we stockpile during the week. Not only do these variations on a theme delve into the deep crevices of our souls, but they uplift, dignify, enhance, and ennoble us. The Sabbath is a sparkling gem in the history of time–its facets are many, and its sheen glosses our lives. The poems presented here reflect the singular, endless, and diverse aspects of the Sabbath.
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