Praise – A Weapon of Warfare and Deliverance

- ISBN: 0892283858, 9780892283859
- Page count: 44
- Published: 2015-02-04
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Impact Christian Books
- Language:
- Author: Frank Hammond
Praise is a powerful weapon in deliverance and spiritual warfare. As you praise the Lord, things begin to happen in the unseen realm.
In the Old Testament, the people of God didn't have the name of Jesus as a weapon, but they did have praise. When Saul was troubled by an evil spirit, the only thing they knew to help him was to call David. What happened when David began to play on his harp and sing praise to his God? The evil spirit departed from King Saul. You can see why praise was so important to those Old Testament saints. You can see why they developed such a lifestyle of praise.
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