Practical Mysticism – eBook

- ISBN: 9781610252133, 9781610252133
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2010-10-21
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Language:
- Author:
Practical Mysticism is a work by one of the foremost 20th century Christian mystics, Evelyn Underhill. Her book, Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness, is the authoritative text of modern mysticism. This shorter work, Practical Mysticism, is an abridged version of Underhill's theology, and is a perfect starting point for immersion into the subject. It is written, to some extent, with non-Christians in mind, so Underhill is at her simplest here, yet her language is still poetic and enjoyable to read. She invites the reader to become involved in mysticism, giving simple examples of how it is relevant to everyday people. A fine place to start before diving into her more intense works, Practical Mysticism has captivated generations of readers, and is still the premier text for the introductory study of mysticism. -Abby Zwart, CCEL Staff Writer
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