PICKIN' UP THE PIECES OF YOUR LIFE: It is never too early It is never too late – eBook

- ISBN: 9781490855394, 9781490855394
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-11-04
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author:
I was involved in a project called Start> Becoming a Good Samaritan. As the author of the book and curriculum, I had the honor and privilege of working with some of today’s foremost Christian thinkers, authors, and pastors on the subject of what it takes to live out your faith as a modern day Good Samaritan.
Imagine spending time with Philip Yancey, Chuck Colson, Desmond Tutu, John Ortberg, Eugene Peterson, Joni Eareckson Tada, Rich Stearns, and Kay Warren—just to name a few—talking about practical, real ways to live like a Good Samaritan. It was insightful, instructive and inspiring. But most of all it was approachable and real!
What does my experience working with these very prominent Christians have to do with writing the forward for Jim’s book? I’ll use those words again—“approachable and real…”
—Michael Seaton; Author—Start> Becoming a Good Samaritan (excerpt from foreword)
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