Parable of the Brown Girl: The Sacred Lives of Girls of Color
- ISBN: 1506455689, 9781506455686
- Page count: 200
- Published: 2020-02-04
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Fortress Press
- Language:
- Author: Khristi Lauren Adams
"Illuminating … these profound profiles will be eye opening for any reader." –Publisher’s Weekly
Enlightening and extremely helpful Parable of a Brown Girl deepens cultural awareness by relaying heartfelt stories from girls of color. Author, speaker, minister, and youth advocate, Khristi Lauren Adams introduces readers to the resilience and hope held within each of their diverse lives. Loaded with valuable insights from people of color, referencing Black feminist and political thought, Adams brings each story front and center with grace and wisdom.
By sharing encounters she's had with girls of color, profound cultural and theological truths are highlighted. Adams magnifies the struggles, dreams, wisdom, and dignity of these important voices that offer deep understanding of social justice and reconciliation for all readers. Thought-provoking and inspirational, Parable of the Brown Girl is a powerful example of how God uses the narratives we most often ignore to teach us the most important lessons in life. It's time to pay attention and learn from the societal pressures, expectations, and stereotypes often put on multi-ethnic girls. Now is the time to forge new understanding and engage in community dialogue that Adams so confidently leads us into.
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