Our Lady: The Mother of Jesus in Christian Faith and Devotion

- ISBN: 033402627X, 9780334026273
- Page count: 114
- Published: 1996-09-28
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: SCM Press
- Language:
- Author: Norman Pittenger
At the age of ninety, and with a mind as lively as ever, Norman Pittenger can look back on an impressive series of books. In this, his last, he sees Mary as a model for Christian discipleship, a type of the church and a symbol of the world redeemed by God. Before presenting the main substance of his view of Mary he discusses what we may claim to know about Mary and how we know it, going on to see her as the consenting case for what God accomplished in the event of Jesus Christ. Then he surveys the devotion given to her during the centuries of Christian history and ends with comments on the practical value of mariological devotion and an indication of what that can contribute to Christian faith in God. He expects that conservatives will think that he is too sceptical about history, Catholics may think what he has said inadequate, and Protestants may regard the whole exercise as absurd and unbiblical.Yet he is convinced that what he has to say is important and valuable, and has written for those who appreciate the beauty and richness of mariological devotion. Norman Pittenger was a senior member of King's College, Cambridge.
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