Open-Hearted People, Soul-Connected Church: How Courageous Authenticity Can Transform Your Relationships, Your Community, and Your Life

- ISBN: 1540904601, 9781540904607
- Page count: 208
- Published: 2025
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Baker Books
- Language:
- Author:
Ask most anyone and they would say they desire honest, authentic, "real" relationships. Yet few of us experience the soul-level connection we long for with other human beings, let alone God. Fear and pride drive us to mask our truest selves, leaving us perpetually disconnected, hidden, and lonely.
God made us for something profoundly better: an open-hearted, courageous honesty that liberates us from a life of guardedness and self-protection and has the power to radically transform our approach to Christian community. In fact, it's those things about ourselves we're most afraid to reveal that lead to the kind of love and acceptance we yearn for.
This book is your call to embrace and practice heart-level honesty and authenticity in this age of artificiality. As you learn to engage your world with your soul wide open, you'll discover deeper connections–with yourself, others, and God–and open avenues for other lonely and disconnected souls to join you there.
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