Nourishment for New Moms: Simple and Practical Guidance for Maintaining Grace, Poise, and Humor – eBook

- ISBN: 9781607424451, 9781607424451
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2011-06-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Barbour Books
- Language:
- Author: Rebecca Currington
Longing to rediscover peace and purpose in your brand-new role, Mom? You’ll find just the answers you seek in Barbour’s timely Nourishment for New Moms. Grounded in faith and practicality, each chapter contains strategies and pointers for finding joy in the challenges presented by the new-to-motherhood process. You’ll glean wisdom from God’s Word and sage advice from “sisters” who are on the same journey.
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