No desperdicies tu vida – eBook

- ISBN: 9780825486258, 9780825486258
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2011-10-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Kregel Publications
- Language:
- Author:
John Piper nos advierte que no nos quedemos atrapados por una vida sin significado. Nos reta a vivir y morir haciendo alarde de la cruz de Cristo, haciendo de la gloria de Dios nuestra pasion unica. Si crees que vivir es Cristo y morir es ganancia, lee este libro, aprende a vivir para Cristo, y no desperdicies tu vida.
John Piper warns us not to get caught up in a life that counts for nothing. He challenges us to live and die boasting in the cross of Christ and making the glory of God our singular passion. This is a book every Christian should read and also share with others.
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