No Acepte la Tristeza (Sorrow Not!)

- ISBN: 1575622378, 9781575622378
- Page count: 32
- Published:
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Harrison House
- Language:
- Author: Kenneth Copeland
Viene disfrazado de una emoción simple, "saludable". Luego, poco a poco, te deja seco. Es tortuoso y destructivo, y es el compañero constante de la muerte misma. El mensaje de Kenneth Copeland expone la naturaleza mortal del dolor y lo inspira a alcanzar y recibir su liberación de él.
It comes disguised as a simple, "healthy" emotion. Then, little by little, it drains you dry. It is devious and destructive, and it's the constant companion of death itself. Kenneth Copeland's message exposes the deadly nature of grief and inspire you to reach out and receive your deliverance from it.
Review No Acepte la Tristeza (Sorrow Not!).