Nelson's Old Testament Survey: Discovering the Essence, Background & Meaning About Every Old Testament Book – eBook

- ISBN: 9781418587369, 9781418587369
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2003-07-15
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson
- Language:
- Author: Charles R. Swindoll
This handy resource allows the reader to quickly summarize or review all the pertinent details about any Old Testament book. More than a Bible handbook but less than a commentary, Nelson's New Illustrated Old Testament Survey provides a section by section breakdown of issues and topics dealt with in the Hebrew Scriptures.
It includes:
Complete but concise outlines of every Old Testament book A succinct introduction for each book Sections that identify each Bible author's theological emphasis Inserts that highlight real-life insights Arguments for the unity of the original manuscripts
Review Nelson's Old Testament Survey: Discovering the Essence, Background & Meaning About Every Old Testament Book – eBook.