NAB My Daily Catholic New Testament, Paper

- ISBN: 1592764479, 9781592764471
- Page count: 373
- Published: 2008
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
- Language:
- Author: Paul Thigpen
""The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life" (John 6:63)."
In less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee, walk around the block, wash the dishes, play a video game, or fix and eat a snack, you can get a daily dose of God's saving grace through the New Testament. Embrace the story of salvation through the life and words of Christ in 10-minute intervals with My Daily Catholic Bible: New Testament.
Begin any day of the year and continue at whatever pace suits you best. Enjoy two readings per day with an insightful quote from a saint, as well as room for notes and a place for a checkmark to track your progress.
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